Eduardo Recife
fairmont / hotel deauville / playmade
Fairmont aka Jacob Fairley's latest release Hotel Deauville is a reflection on his stay in Cuba with his girlfriend. Not as good as "I Want To See The Sun Come Up," but deserves a listening none the less.
marat hussein / magnetic breath
paul kalkbrenner - since 77
cosmic sandwich - battle twig
jeff samuel - night ride
anja schneider & sebo k - rancho relaxo (pan-pot remix)
alejandro lopez - bigudi
ricardo villalobos - fizheuer zieheuer
someone else - water in mexico (marek hemmann remix)
phage & daniel dreier - chewing gum
sami koivikko - dore
larsson - spreemelodie
luciano - bla bla bla
rekleiner - shall we
console / mono / disko b
Console aka Notwist's latest album is drastically different than anything I'd expect under his Notwist alias. Mono takes his listeners through cinematic delicate ambience. At first I dismissed this album, but it has grown on me and has now become one of my repeat morning listens.
DJ's living in Germany